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Rules to Decode CAT and get a Call from Top 10 B-Schools
April 22 2024

Crack CAT and get a call from IIM : How to do that?

An Overview of CAT Exam 2017 CAT 2017  is a Common Admission Test held in India.The score is based on Quantitative Ability(QA), Data Interpretation(DI), Verbal Ability(VA) and Logical Reasoning(LR).CAT  is considered as a mandatory entrance examination for an admission into any top-notch management institutions and premier business schools in the country. The total duration of CAT  is 180 minutes or 3 hours.Each section of the CAT has a time limit of 1 hour each.It is necessary to attend the CAT is in particular order.We cannot switch over sections. As per the marking scheme, each question carries 3 marks and there is negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for the non-multiple choice questions.

How to Crack CAT 2017?

  • Basics should be Crystal Clear.

Every Candidate should be thorough with the basics of all the sections in the examination. The foundation of the candidate should be so strong that he/ she can solve basic questions or the easy and moderate level questions without any problem.

  • Sectional Tests

Start appearing for sectional test and also note the time taken to complete your test. These Mock tests should be taken 2-3 times a week so it helps the candidate to know their strong and weak areas.

  • Mock Tests

To prepare for CAT start taking a mock test every week.Candidates will understand their level of preparation and what are they lacking in their preparation. If a candidate wants to secure admission in top 30 B-schools he/she has to give at least 40-50 mocks before the actual CAT Exam.

  • Analyze the Mocks

Analyzing the mock tests is the most important rule to be followed by every candidate. If the mocks are not analyzed properly then giving Mock Tests is of no use. Candidate should take one full day to analyze the Mock test given.

  • Time Management

Time Management plays a crucial role in the CAT Exam. To get a hold of time in the exam the candidates should apply shortcuts and strategies to solve the questions. These strategies and shortcuts should be tried and tested by the candidates when they gave Mocks Tests. Candidates should not experiment in the actual CAT Exam. The shortcuts and strategies will help the candidate to increase their speed, improve their accuracy and reduce the time taken to solve a single question.One of the strategies or a  shortcut suggested is  Vedic Maths. Vedic Maths is the best shortcut that can be used for Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation.

  • General Knowledge

Reading Newspaper is one habit that every MBA aspirant should develop in their daily routine. Reading newspaper will give the candidate an idea of the what's going on in the world. This knowledge will help to crack various entrance examinations as well as GD/PI of various B-school. Hope you found this article on how to crack cat and get a call from IIM useful. All the best!

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Anisha Mukhija




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